Friday, 19 April 2013

How to resolve the ‘Parameter is not a valid backup job or group’ error in Fbackup

I recently installed FBackup software on my server and configured it to do daily, weekly and month end backups. Each night after the daily backup had completed successfully I would come into the office to find the error ‘Parameter “New Backup” is not a valid backup job or group’. FBackup

There was no backup in the FBackup interface with the name “New Backup” so I assumed it was a remnant of the initial configuration that had been changed or deleted.

fbackup error

This error will occur after each backup unless the following fix is applied :

Go to C:\Windows\Tasks and remove the backup that has the same name as the one mentioned in the error message. In my case it was “New Backup” and the file I had to delete in the tasks folder was ‘fba_New Backup’.

I deleted this file and the error was never produced again.

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