Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Remove “Please excuse my brevity” from K9 Android app signature

There are many email apps for Android but my current weapon of choice is ‘K9 mail’. For the uninitiated K9 is an email management app that lets you manage several email accounts and provides the normal notification options you would expect. k9mail

Like most email applications it has a ‘helpful’ default signature that it applies to every email you send out i.e “Sent from my Android phone with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.”

Some people may like this but when I discovered it, I wanted to either customise it or remove the message entirely. So here is how it’s done.

Customise or remove the default K9 email signature

1. Open the K9 mail application on your Android device.
2. Choose the relevant account and go to Settings >Account Settings > Sending mail > Composition defaults.
3. You will see ”Sent from my Android phone with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.” in the “Signature” box.
4. Untick the signature box to remove all the text or edit the signature with your own text.


  1. Thank you! It was very helpful.

  2. useful info !!!

  3. Very helpful, Thank-you!

  4. Really glad this post is helping. thanks for the comments

  5. Hi I'd just figured this out -- but only after sending out who knows how many work emails with that sig -- it's the brevity thing that screwed me up big-time-- my emails tend to be infuriatingly long and the sig called attention to it. Plus, why the heck would anybody apologize for brevity when you're supposed to be brief (I try to be brief, but I hail from the pre-text pre smart-phone era and can't seem to manage)

  6. Dead on, as we say in NI, I tried to work this out for myself and failed - well done and thank you

  7. thanks for sharing!

  8. excellent work - thanks for sharing as the original comment was sooo annoying and pointless frankly.

  9. Thanks for all. It was very useful.

  10. That's cool. Now I can tell my dad how to figure it out, he's been frustrated when he sent me emails that were super long! This was very, very helpful. This will save my dad from a lot of stress and headaches! I wish that we both had known this sooner.

  11. That's nice. I wish my dad and I knew it sooner.

  12. Thanks.
    I tried to find something global but finally had to do it for each account.

  13. THANK YOU!! God, I hated that signature so much! Stupid and pointless. Who's the genius who decided that all of my emails were going to be brief and that I needed to APOLOGIZE in every email. As I said, stupid.

  14. Thank you! It was embarrassing to send emails out with that stupid signature.

  15. Thanks! I changed this setting years ago when I had only on one account but then I completely forgot about it. Now it started showing up again on every new account I add to K9.
