Thursday, 18 February 2010

How to fix ‘XML-RPC services are disabled on this blog’

If you have your own hosted account i.e not hosted on the Wordpress site and you have installed Wordpress 2.6 or later on your website, it is likely you will run into problems when you try and use offline blog editing software such as Windows Live Writer.
When you configure your settings in Windows Live Writer and try and connect it is likely that you will receive the message ‘An error occurred while attempting to connect to your blog : Blog Server Error-Server Error 405 Occurred XML-RPC services are disabled on this blog. An admin can enable them……’

This error may look abit daunting but it is actually very easy to resolve.

· Go to your wordpress blog dashboard.
· Go to Settings , Writing
· In the Remote Publishing section place a tick in Enable the WordPress, Movable Type, MetaWeblog and Blogger XML-RPC publishing protocols.
· Save the options
· Go back into Windows Live Writer and reconnect.

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